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My Ads are Getting Impressions but No Clicks

Reasons Why Your PPC Ads May Have Low CTRPay-per-click (PPC) Ads that get a high number of impressions but l

How & Why to Use a Content Template to Improve Your Website’s User Experience

What is a Content Template A content template (also called a content template) is a simple layout that illu

PPC Cheat Sheet (for Business Owners)

Understanding Your PPC ServicesThe world of Pay-Per-Clic

Google Analytics 4 - Differences and Benefits for Marketers

As of the last few months, many new regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), California Con

How to Use Hotjar’s New Continuous Heatmaps (Beta Version: January 2021)

Using Hotjar Continuous HeatmapsAs of December 2020, Hotjar has rolled out the

Successful Software and Web Development Projects Require Continuous Investment

Focusing on the high level estimate for your software project’s "grand vision" can result in misplaced efforts to cut

How to Avoid Robotic Sounding Content (video)

Content CreationAn SEO CenterpieceContent creation can be thought of as an SEO centerpiece.

2021 SEO Checklist Guidelines

While adding content to your website, there are many important factors that determine the ranking of your page.

Best Practices for Understanding & Writing Metadata (Video)

Whenever you enter a search term into a search engine, you are presented with several different types of information

5 Best Practices for Optimizing your Google My Business Local Listing (Video)

5 Best Practices for Optimizing your Google My Business Local ListingGoogle My Business, or Google Local lis

Why We Prefer to Not Design Websites With Premade Themes

For most popular CMS platforms, a wealth of fully-built premade themes are available, which offer an array of layouts

You're Thinking About Your Website Wrong. Here's How To Change That.

As the world begins to "open back up," I've been reflecting on the role that technology has played during my last 3 m