What is “Optimizing On-Page SEO?”

Optimizing on-page SEO is the process by which you design and develop your web pages to help you rank as high as possible on search engine result pages (SERP). The higher your pages rank on search engines like Google/Bing/Yahoo the more traffic they are likely to get.


“What are LSI keywords (Latent Semantic Indexing)?”


Actually seeing results in increased SEO rankings takes more than just what is explained in this article, but some people have a tough time understanding LSI Keywords which is why I wanted to try and explain it from an outside the box perspective.

LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) keywords are words that Google frequently finds together because they share the same context. In 2013 google created the “Hummingbird algorithm” which focuses a stronger emphasis on website content and meaning, rather than just focusing on the same keyword (which many website owners were spamming).

A good trick to find out what these LSI keywords may be in relation to the searched keyword is to scroll to the bottom of the page after searching that keyword and look for where it says “Searches related to *Keyword queried*”.

For example if a web user had searched “Green chilli recipe”, the likelihood of your web page showing higher on the SERP increases if your content contains the related LSI keywords such as “Colorado green chili recipe”, “Best pork green chili recipe”, etc.

Is it just me or does this interaction with Google make you start thinking about the different types of people you encounter throughout everyday life?

Below is my analogy of how these two different types of people relate to LSI Keywords.

Person A (Chris Traeger from “Parks and Rec”)  -

This is someone you can start any conversation with, and they always have many pragmatic responses back related to your topic. Let’s role play this:

You: “Man, I really love Green Chilli”

Chris Traeger: “Oh man me too! Have you tried hach green chilli? Do you like the Colorado or New Mexican green chilli better? I know it’s authentic to use pork but I mix it up every now and then with the vegetarian.”

You: Thinks to self  “Wow, this person is fully engaged on the ins and outs of green chili! I am getting so many new ideas! What else can I learn about green chili?”

Person B (Toby Flenderson from “The Office” -

This is someone you can start any conversation with, and they never seem to respond with anything related to what you just said, they are most notably stuck in their own head and just thinking out loud.

You: “Man, I really love Green Chilli”

Toby Flenderson: “You know, I wonder if I had asked Molly out in highschool if my life would be different.”

You: Thinks to self  “This person is definitely not listening to me”

[Conclusion]: Google (most of the time) is Person A, and the more you massage the LSI keywords into your content, the more likely you are to rank higher on the SERP!

So let's all try to be more like Person A both in everyday life and in your content. Be relatable!

Written By Tom DeGerlia

In March 1998, Tom DeGerlia combined his passion for the web with his experience in database development to bring Denverdata Web (now Colorado Digital) to life. As the President and Founder, Tom has grown the company to be where it is today.