About The Project

Qualification Station is a leading online platform that provides training and certification tracking to organizations across various industries. Their previous website was outdated, difficult to navigate, and lacked the necessary features required to provide a seamless user experience.

To enhance their online presence and improve their customer engagement, Qualification Station reached out to us to rebuild their web application, redesign their website, provide hosting and ongoing marketing and SEO.

computer monitor showing qualification station's homepage

Project goals

Our primary goal was to combine their marketing site and web application into a modern, user-friendly website that would provide a better user experience for Qualification Station's customers. We aimed to achieve this by simplifying the navigation structure, improving the layout, and introducing new features to enhance the user experience. To increase the platform's visibility and attract more potential learners, we implemented a strategic SEO and marketing campaign. 

The second goal was to improve the website's performance and speed by hosting it on Pantheon, a reliable and scalable hosting platform.

Project results

We successfully delivered a website that met all the project goals and exceeded the client's expectations. The new website has a modern and attractive design that provides a seamless user experience, making it easier for customers to navigate and find the solutions and information they need.

The website is also faster and more reliable, thanks to the hosting on Pantheon.

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