WordPress provides a wealth of functionality to assist in presenting your content in the way you desire. Auto-hyperlinking of URLs in your post content field in most cases can easily be done by adding the following line of code to the WordPress functions.php file:

add_filter( 'the_content', 'make_clickable', 12 );

However, if you’re using Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) then you will find this filter doesn’t work on your WYSIWYG fields. Luckily for us, ACF provides a filter for us to alter the content in the field called “load_field” and WordPress provides us a handy function call "make_clickable", which converts content URI, www, FTP, and email addresses into links.

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How To:

Looking at the code example below:

  • Place this code in your child themes functions.php
  • We pass in the value that is stored in the database as $value
  • Assign $value to the make_clickable function and run the $value through the function, this will convert the links to hyperlinks
  • We then return the $value
function my_acf_load_value($value) {
  $value = make_clickable($value);
  return $value;

Use the proper hook desired:

// Filter based on all fields.
add_filter('acf/load_value’, 'my_acf_load_value', 10, 3); 
// Filter based on field name. 
add_filter('acf/load_value/name=field_type’, 'my_acf_load_value', 10, 3);
// Filter based on field name. 
add_filter('acf/load_value/name=field_name’, 'my_acf_load_value', 10, 3);
// Filter based on field key.
add_filter('acf/load_value/name=field_key, 'my_acf_load_value', 10, 3);

Full code:

The following code demonstrates how to force a single field to auto-hyperlink inline urls.

 * Auto-hyperlink urls for the about_content field.
function my_acf_load_value($value) {
  $value = make_clickable($value);
  return $value;
add_filter('acf/load_value/name=about_content’, 'my_acf_load_value', 10, 3); 

Presto! Any values entered into your Advanced Custom Field which contain url strings will now be output as proper links to the url.

Written By Justin Goldman

Justin Goldman joined Colorado Digital in 2016 after graduating from Full Sail University with a degree in Web Design and Development. Since then, he’s been bringing client visions to life with his outstanding web design and development skills.